health checkup

Health Screening Center

Health Screening Center Introduction
For the healthy life, Comprehensive Health Screening

Since 1994, Loving Care Clinic Health Screening Center has been dedication in encouraging medical checkups for the healthy life without diseases, and doing our best in order to enhance national health for free, healthy life without cancer by operating professional health counseling, nutrition counseling, and precancer prevent program.

With state-of-the-art medical devices and experienced medical staff, Loving Care Clinic Health Screening Center examines various diseases such as cancer, adult diseases, etc. from the integrative medical perspectives, and suggests measures of disease prevention and health improvement from the preventive medical perspectives.
Also, we are expanding health service program for providing lifetime healthcare and a total health solution, and wish to help with disease prevention and health promotion through [Long-Life Care System] which provides continuous regular health management depending on the result of medical checkups.

. Loving Care Clinic Health Screening Center presents Comprehensive Health Screening (NHIS program, Business program), and Precise Cancer Screening (major 4 cancers & female cancers), Precise Immunization Screening (T, B cells & NK cells).
We runs various tests as early diagnosis programs such as Oncogene Test, Smart Cancer Test, and Hair Nourishment Test, which is a nutritional status test program.
We also present health screening programs for the ministers and missionaries in order to serve them.


Health Screening Process

· Test items may be adjusted after consult physician. · Test cycles of colonoscopy may be different depending on the patient's disease state. · The order of tests may be changed. · If there are any suspected cases, additional tests may be run under your insurance coverage. · While having result consultation, you can receive necessary treatment.