Antioxidation & Anti-aging When Selenium, a major component of powerful antioxidation enyzme, is supplied in a form of inorganic compound, it results faster and more effective antioxidation effacement than a form of organic compound
Strengthening Immunity Selenium, an essential component of various enzymes reacting in immune system, is a necessary microelement for strengthening immunity. Diseases caused by lowered immunity including HIV(Human Immunodeficiency Virus) infection, influenza A, allergy, asthma, cancer, aging, etc. can be contained and prevented by supplying Selenium.
Detoxification of Heavy Metals Selenium helps cure heavy metal poisoning by discharging heavy metals( mercury, lead, arsenic, cadmium, aluminum) from the body after binding with them
Improvement of Chronic Fatigue, Chronic Inflammatory Disease, Autoimmune Disease Selenium is effective on treatment for chronic diseases as it is involved in hepatocyte regeneration, silencing inflammatory factors, immunity regulation.
Improvement of Sexual Function & Prevention of Sterility Selenium helps to enhancement of prostate function by activating enzyme produced from prostatic epithelial cells. Also, it protects sperm from active oxygen by increasing sperm's activity.
Cancer Prevention By regulating redox process and activating antioxidant enzymes, Selenium prevents and inhibits DNA mutation, caused by active oxigen, carcinogen, and lowered immunity, from developing cancer.