internal medicine

Internal Medicine Clinic

Internal Medicine Clinic Endocrine Disease Osteoporotic
Fracture resulting from weakened bone strength
“Osteoporosis Clinic”



Osteoporosis refers a condition that bones weaken by losing calcium and minerals, and is more likely to fracture. There are no symptoms at the early stages of osteoporosis, but the risk of bone fracture increases. Fracture may easily occurs in every bone and especially wrist, spine, hip joint are commonly break.


Causes of primary osteoporosis

  • 01

    Idiopathic osteoporosis

  • 02

    Postmenopausal osteoporosis (Female)

  • 02

    Age-related osteoporosis

  • 03

    occurs due to certain diseases or medications such as diabetes, gastrointestinal disease, rheumarthritis, cancer, etc.


Causes of secondary osteoporosis

  • 01

    occurs without any clear causes

  • 02

    occurs due to the lack of female hormone after menopause

  • 02

    occurs with aging

  • 03

    occurs due to certain diseases or medications such as diabetes, gastrointestinal disease, rheumarthritis, cancer, etc.


Risk factors of osteoporosis

  • Genetic factor ㆍRisk of fracture caused by osteoporosis is 3 times higher in women than in men Osteoporosis occurs 5 times more in women than in men
    ㆍWhen experieced fracture previously
    ㆍWhen a osteoporosis patient is in the family

  • Life style ㆍLack of calcium intake
    ㆍLack of vitamin D: not enoughly exposed to the sunlight
    ㆍExcessive drinking
    ㆍLack of physical activity

  • Other factors ㆍWhen the spine bends backward
    ㆍPremature menopause or long-period lamenorrhea
    ㆍLack of male hormone (for men)
    ㆍBeing bedridden for long-period
    ㆍWhen having steroid treatment for long-period
    ㆍWhen body weight is lower ㆍWhen have rheumarthritis


Treatment for osteoporosis

When fractures occur, treatment varies depending on where it occurs. Osteoporosis without fracture is treated by improving life style and taking medicines, and treatment aims to get rid of risks of fracture.

Improving life style
When osteoporosis is diagnosed, immoderate exercise may cause fracture. Regular exercise of at least three times a week is effective, and it is recommended to restrain smoking and excessive drinking that are bad for bone health.

Intake of calcium and vitamin D
Medicinal therapy for osteoporosis must include calcium and vitamin D, the recommended doses are 1,000~1,200mg of calcium and 400~500mg of vitamin D.

Medicinal therapy
Typically female hormone is used for the menopausal women and bisphosphonate, parathormone, etc. are used as well.


Prevention of osteoporosis

· It is recommended to maintain bone mass by avoiding excessive smoking, stopping smoking, stretching and doing cardio exercise, in place running, etc. · It is recommended to avoid a high-salt diet if possible, in order to prevent calcium from discharging with salt. · It is recommended to be exposed to the sunlight for about 15 min. at least twice a week.